Kinesiology Assessment and Naturopathic Treatment

When you make an appointment at the Kinesiology Centre you are sent a form to complete and return, enabling the practitioner to assess your current health and lifestyle. This not only saves time but will also give you the opportunity to consider your own needs.

A first session involves an in-depth consultation, followed by muscle testing and evaluation.

Clients lie fully clothed on a couch while, using gentle pressure, the practitioner tests the resistance of one or more muscles, usually using either an arm or a leg, to pinpoint internal imbalances.

Where an imbalance is found the practitioner will focus on the most effective health solutions to help bring about the restoration of inner harmony.

How many visits will I need?

The number of sessions you will require depends on the nature of the problem and the length of time you have suffered from it. Most people start to see improvement within about 6 - 8 weeks. A very rough guide is a month for every year you've had the problem.

If it is a structural problem involving, for instance, joint, back or shoulder pain, sessions will problably be required on a weekly basis as the body adjusts into balance until there is noticable improvement.

When nutritional supplements are advised, which are taken daily, the body is receiving the nutrition needed for the system to make changes every time they are taken, so visits may only be necessary every four weeks.

As you start to feel better the gap between visits widen

To understand in more detail how we work and what our health philosophy is all about, you will find reading this book very helpful.

Please note:

Kinesiology sessions encompass a broad spectrum of naturopathic therapies, but there may be occasions on which we feel it appropriate to refer you to a practitioner within a different field or for conventional medical help.

At all times we listen to the needs of our patients and treat them with utmost care and respect.

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Associations & Accreditations

Classical Kinesiology Institute Kinesiology Association Society of Naturopaths The Kinesiology Federation